Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its been one week

Christmas is fast approaching and the pets have been very busy indeed.

Trult Scumptious Lulu, the chubbiest dog in the west, has been baking leaving sweet and unimagingly delicious smells wafting around the house. Trotter could be found with his nose pressed up the the hot door of the oven, wondering what delights would appear.

Fat Boy Faggot has been to the town centre in his warm knitted scarf and purchased a beautiful red garland for above the mantle piece. Trotter watched from the sofa as Faggy carefully arranged baubles and boughs of holly and sparkeling lights in red and white.

The boy, Fing, gathered Tutz pocket money and helped her write a list, and took her into town to do her shopping. Trotter waited patiently on the bottom step near the front door for the pair to return with bulging bags of presents.

Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face has sat and made pomanders and today she is gently drying orange slices with cloves in the oven to make into decorations.

Trotters is sat watching Childrens TV.

Hw knows that Milly Pav and Fillipa Hole are coming to visit tomorrow night. He wonders what they will do and if he will be able to join in. He hopes that the evening will involve cheese, and perhaps a scotch egg. He gently drifts off into sleep thinking about presents and cake and twinkling lights, of plastic balls that you push with your nose so that the tasty treats hidden inside fall out occaisionally for you to eat.

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.