Monday, July 27, 2009

Mow me Kangaroo down sport

There is great excitement in the Hartley household as the pets are investigating their own allotment. There are 36 allotment area's in Oxford an dthe nearest to us is Cowmead on the Abingdon Road.

'We shall need a shed in which to put our tools', said Fing, writing it at the top of the list.

'We shall need a lovely big Butt', said Faggot, 'to collect water for the flowers'.

'We will need a spade, says Lulu, and a fork'

'We will need a watering can, says Slugface, and seeds to plant of course'.

Thereis a small silence in which they turn to Trotter and Tutz.

'Will there be compost?' asks Trotter, a bag for me to open and throw everywhere?'

'PRROOOOTTTTT', says tutz, perrrrpppppoooot!'.

'There will be compost and come the summer and autumn there will be lots of loverly vegertables', says Slug Face, who has become a bit country since she has become a gardener.

We can't wait!

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