Saturday, July 25, 2009

New habits die hard

Fing has developed a new habit of utalizing Lulu's dinner bowl as a latrine.

Although he has not stopped urinating on any available fabric, or in bags, he has started to pee into the bowl, nice and neatly.

Sometimes there is just a bowl of yellow liquid, at other times he scrapes odd socks into the bowl to soak it up. Although hazordous for the unwary its quite nice to have it contained in something.

Unfortunately there were dire consequences when he attempted to pee into Footsies bowl, which she had knocked off the side onto the floor by the chest of drawers. I hadn't noticed the attempted urination until i was in a meeting at work and suddenlty became aware of a certain O' de toilet.

Yes, he had pee'd all over my hush puppies. They had dried out and the warmth in the meeting room bought out the pungent odour.

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