'where have you been'? Asks Fing.
'Wierdly enough, I've been talking to that Squirrel that lives in our tree', says Trotter, 'Did you know that the Squirrels of the world are presently fighting a war of attrition against the other rodents?'
Fing raises a graceful beige eyebrow, 'Attrition?'
'Yes apparently, the Squirrels, led by Selby in the back yard, are currently fighting against a combined hoard of Stoats, Weasels, Ferrets and Gerbils. Although the Squirrels have numbers on their side, apparently the Stoats are dead good mechanics and as a result have light armored infantry'
'Well I hope the Stoat's win, says Fing, 'In my opinion Squirrels are nothing but rats with bushy tails, and the way that one fiddles with his nuts at the end of the garden is really beginning to annoy me.'
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