Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Noisy Dogs Home

Trotter is stood underneath the stairs, peeping out occaisionally at the front door.

He is hiding because Fing has told him that the Noisy Dog Inspector is on Preachers Lane.

The Noisy Dog Inspector, he has told Trotter, waits patiently, listening, until he can hear a noisy dog, and then he comes and swoops you away to a dogs home in the middle of Dartmoor where you are forced to live in a small sound proof box.

In the Noisy Dogs home, no one can hear you bark.

Trotter, all in all, enjoys the sound of his own bark, and does not wish to be in a sound proof box miles away from home, so is prudently saving his barks for later, when Martha and Lara will be at home to plead his case should the inspector arrive after dark. What hope has one small shabby dog got on his own against a man with a large net he thinks as he stands there, occaisionally peeking round the corner at the front door.

'woof' he says very quietly, to himself, in a moment of defiance, 'woof'.

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