Monday, August 14, 2006

Every day's a school day.

Today, Fing is teaching the other pets to crochet.

Fat Boy Faggot is trying to make a doiley.

Tutz, in her own mindless world of insanity, has created a large green dinosaur, that Fing eye's disapprovingly.

Truly Scumptious Lulu, the Chubbiest Dog in the west is making a bikini.

Giggsey Girl, the stupid slug face, is making camouflage netting.

Trotters has made himself some small booties and a large white cape in which he intends to pretend to be a superhero and rid the estate of evil.

Fing has made a beautiful pair of slacks to wear to his new samba class.

Tomorrow the pets will attend a lecture in Quantum Physics and discuss Steven Hawkins and his wheelchair.