Wednesday, August 02, 2006
much ado about nothing.
Trotter is bored.
He is bored of chewing up the furniture, bored of pooing upstairs.
Bored of chasing Fat Boy Faggot and bored of harrassing Tutz.
He is bored of barking at Thelma and bored of party manifesto's.
He is bored of being locked in the kitchen when people leave the house and bored of being kept on a lead when he has been too naughty.
(It is not his fault, he beleives, that he has just too much naughtiness inside him all waiting to burst out)
He is bored of Karen Carpenter and bored of chedder cheese.
He is bored of Ice Hockey and bored of Bumble Bees.
He lies on the sofa in a dejected heap and sighs.