Thursday, May 03, 2007


I read a story earlier that bought a lump to my throat, and which had already reduced Lulu to tears.

This week in New Zealand a tiny dog faced huge odds to protect 5 children that were not even his own.

George, a tiny jack Russel, met some of his neighbours children on the way home from the sweet shop and was playing with them when suddenly, 2 pit bull terriers rounded the corner.

The pit bulls were out for blood, and barking and snarling ran towards the children

George knew what he had to do.

At under a foot high and with a heart condition, the tiny dog, with that damaged heart that was still bigger than a lion's, raced towards the pit bulls. He ran at them and charged in with his small compact terrier body.

So, of course, the pit bulls turned their attention to the wonderful, heroic little creature, and the children ran away to safety.

George was still alive when they found him, but had been so badly mauled that he could not be repaired, and was put to sleep.

I don't know if dog's go to heaven, but if they do George will be sat on a golden cushion, where he will never want for anything, ever again. He will never again feel the wind on his back, or the sun on his face, but one day he will be reunited with the children whose lives he saved, and with everyone who ever loved him.

Rest in peace wee man.

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