Wednesday, May 16, 2007


It has been a trying week.

First of all I get a verbal warning for not reaching my core responsibilities, then to add insult to injury, Ashley, Kelly and Myself end up in some ridiculous brawl and end up all covered in cuts and bruises.

It wasn't till yesterday that I discovered that I have concussion and am, under no circumstances, allowed on any rollercoasters.

The pets have been absolute angels and have rallied round to help.

Lulu has acted as a hot water bottle and has kept me warm and snug. Trotter has moderated his barking so the reverberations do not rattle around my head like shotgun fire. Giggsey Girl the stupid Slug Face has taken to making vast quantities of tea and Fing has been answering the door and replying to the post. Fat Boy Faggot has been doing the cleaning.

Unfortunately, Martha has some new high blood pressure tablets, one of the side effects of which are confusion.

I'm concussed, Marthas confused.

Can you find it in your hearts to pray for us?

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