When Fing is at dance class and Tutz is at Primark, When Fizzgigg is at self defence lessons and Fat Boy Faggot has gone to the sauna, when Truly Lu is fast asleep and lies gently snoring on the sofa, Trotter likes to listen to the Carpenters.
Trotter doesn't like it when Tutz listens to Gangsta Rap.
He despises MTV.
He cant get his head around Fings samba rhythms and although he listens to the beat of his own drum, finds it a bit spasmodic, and unreliably erratic.
Only with the dulcet tones of Karen can he relax and be at one with the music. Only with the Carpenters can he dance and clap and sing.
'Ohh, Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
For tonight, I'm a-gonna see my my-my cher a mi-o
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou'
Sometimes he forgets himself and suddenly comes to, to find all the other pets’ home, stood staring at him like he's care in the community gone wrong.