Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Guest Pet Of The Week - Poochies


Likes: Being pissed on by Labradors and golden retrievers, pressing her slavering jaws up against the windows of high speeding sports cars.

(poochie, poochie, poochie)

Dislikes: pea's, being bitten on the ankle by stoat's

(Poochie, Poochie, Poochie, Poochie)

Age: Older than the hills


Vital Statistics: White and black, cataracts, 12 inches tall be 16 long.

(p, p, p.....)

Habits and problems: Occasional pissing on bed clothes and foot stools when unhappy. Leaping around in an excitable fashion. Drooling on your foot.


Distinguishing features - Occasional cling on's when she has a poo (Rather lively when trying to remove), improbable extensive tongue, no teeth, moults like a cunt.

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