Thursday, April 06, 2006

In Memory of the Pets of Christmas Past

Trevor was a one eyed siamese with the worst halitosis I have ever encountered in man or beast. He prowled around the flat miowing very loudly and if he wasn't doing that he would be stuck up a tree somewhere, miowing for help.

Trevor was particularly good at opening the fridge door and eating all the bacon. He rather stupidly tended to get in the fridge to eat and was accidentally shut in on several occaisions and would be found shivering with the cold hours later.

In desperation my cousin would buy child locks but to no avail, Trevor could open everyone.

The final straw was Christmas day. My cousin had taken the dogs for a walk and returned to find Trevor sitting on top of the turkey in the middle of the kitchen floor. He had opened the fridge and dragged it out and started to nibble on it when he was discovered by my uncle. Upon my cousins return she found them engaged in battle, my uncle brandishing a rolling pin and the cat hissing and slahing at him with his claws.

They gave up in the end and had salmon instead.

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