Monday, May 01, 2006

Aquatic Life

Giggsey Girl, the stupid slug face, and Tutz have spent the entire bank holiday weekend building an elaborate new pond in the back garden.

On Saturday Giggsey Girl swung a huge pick axe around like it was going out of fashion, while Tutz gave instructions from the flower bed wall. At the end of the day She had created a large, deep hole. The girls then went to the Goldfish bowl and bought some new bright and sparkly goldfish and a rather ugly little black moor for the new pond.

On Sunday the girls lined up breeze blocks and built a small wall around the edge of the pond. They also put sand and mud back in to line it and smooth it into interesting countours so the fish would have nice places to swim and explore in. They put in the liner, they cemented the wall then went inside for a glass of sweet sherry.

Today they are filing the pond, after the application of the water feature and light that will sit at the bottom of the pond to be switched on at night time to really annoy and confuse the fish. When everything is ready they will hold an official openeing of the back garden (although we couldn't have a local dignitary to cut the ribbon because there's a hose pipe ban and we'd be fined) with Varne doing the honours.

There is a tremendous air of excitement in the house, well, not from Trotter and Fing who are still fast asleep on the sofa from their May Morning.

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