Monday, May 15, 2006

The Fete.

The pets had a wonderful day at the Fete.

Tutz and Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face queud for half an hour to go for a pony ride. Trotter is far too impatient to wait in a que, so he went to see the 'Splat the Rat' competition instead.

The pets had arrived just in time for a jive dancing exhibition, so Fing joined up with an old ladie and learned some new steps.

Lulu found the cream tea stall and had eaten 15 scones before any one else found her.

They looked at the home made jams and laughed at the bric a brac on the stalls. They bought themselves old battered straw hats to wear as it was very hot indeed in the sun.

After they had looked at all the stalls, Fing laid out a blanket and they sat in the sun, ate their sandwiches and drank warm pop.

It was a perfect day.

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