Friday, May 05, 2006

sunny afternoons

All the cats except Fing are lying sleeping on Martha's bed.

The sun is beating down and there is a kind of silence as the 3 furry bodies sleep, undisturbed by the people walking past chatting, or Dane playing basketball with Aaron. They don't wake up when Fly walks past talking to Roy, they don't stir when Ernie whizzes by in his electric wheelchair to feed the ducks.

There is a bee buzzing in the window and apart from a twitch of an ear it goes unnoticed. The slow, tick, tock, tick of the clock is almost non-existant in the background.

It is a sea of tranquility on that bed as the cats lie asleep in a bundle.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA!' Shouts TROTTER as he dive bombs the bed scattering the sleeping cats like a bowling ball. He stands there panting with a stupid happy smile on his face, cloak slightly askew, thinking its a job well done, before seeing the looks on the cats faces and running like fuck, off down the stairs, to hide in the sitting room.

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