Friday, May 05, 2006


Fing is sat in the Garden under his favourite bush, contemplating the words of the Masnavi.

So why then is oil water's opposite? If you should try to mix them, you will see.'

Fing sits in the shade of the wegelia bush, half asleep in the dappled sunshine, pondering the complexities of the poem, 'That they keep apart so stubbornly. Since rose and thorn belong together too, Why then is constant fighting all they do'

His reverie is harshly disturbed by Trotter hurtling out of the bedroom window in his black cape, landing in the new pond, sending a tidal wave of murky water and weed into the shrubbery.

Fing sits in the shade with a piece of pond weed draped over his head and wonders what will be the best way to kill Trotter, who clambers out of the pond, shakes off his cloak and cries, 'HA HA HA Haaaaaa!' before running into the house to chase Fat Boy Faggot up the stairs.

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