Thursday, June 08, 2006


"Are you looking forward to the World Cup FIng?" asks a happy Trotter, stood by the door wagging his tail.

"The World Cup?" hisses Fing, looking at Fing through his bi-focals over the top of his embroidery,"The World Cup?"

"Yes Fing", says Trotter, not taking the hint, "The World Cup"

Fing is so taken aback at the affront to his dignity that he drops a stitch and pricks his paw with the needle.

"How do you think I am?" he crys, horrified, "Have I taught you nothing? Have you not listened to the words of Lucian with me? Have I not read aloud the Masvani to help you sleep? We're you not paying attention when I took you to the Ridgeway and showed you Scutchermers Knob?"

There is silence from the doorway and sudden absence of wagging tail.

"I don't remember the knob" says Trotter.

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