Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I'm afraid that Fing has seriously let the side down today.

Martha returned from work and left her jacket and her bag on the side while she immediately started to prepare the dogs dinner.

In the space of time it took to defrost the dinner and serve it to Trotter and Truly Lu, Fing went to toilet in her bag.

How he contained so much urine is a mystery, Martha said it was like a tsunami. The bag was full, there was a puddle in the middle of the jacket and the urine was dripping over the edge to the floor.

I can't imagine what must of happened today to upset him so, but Martha has had to throw away her bag and Fing is sulking underneath the table.

She's had a bit of a problem with bags recently, why, only the other week she forgot that she had a container of frozen dog food in her bag and discovered at work the next morning that it had defrosted, leaving the bag full of chicken casserole.

That bag too had to be thrown away.

So, it seems to be related to the dog food. I would offer to lend her a new bag, but with her track record its asking for trouble.

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