Friday, April 11, 2008

Lino day P1

Well, we couldn't have picked a better day for lino day.

The last 3 days have been a sunny delight of warmth and the promise of spring. As I type, the 3 seater sofa is in the back garden and hailstones as big as your head are crashing down smashing the pot plants and wrecking everything.

Truly Scrumptious Lulu, the chubbiest dog in the west, has cobbled together a protective cover for the sofa using black bin bags and masking tape. As the lino hasn't been laid yet we wont be able to determine its effectiveness until much later.

Trotter and Fat Boy Faggot moved the temporary greenhouse to the bottom of the garden in order for Fly and Myself to move the 3 seater outside. While the lovely little temporary structure has weathered all the storms of winter in the security of the back porch, 5 minutes in the open air has left it collapsed at the bottom of the garden like a giant mutant jellyfish has found its way into te back garden and died with the confusion of it all.

I'm sitting here on the 2 seater, which we have temporarily left inside, with Truly Lu on one side and Trotter on the other. I presume the cats are seeking sanctuary in the luxury of the upstairs because at the moment it feels like I'm sitting in an up market squat.

I say the lino hasn't been laid yet, the man hasn't even arrived yet.

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