Thursday, April 03, 2008

Barber shop

Now, I've been meaning to tell you about Tutz.

Tutz has taken to combing my hair when I'm laying in bed and half asleep.

Sometimes this is incredibly soothing as she sits behind me and runs her delicate paw, claws slightly extended, through my hair all the while happily saying 'proot' to herself, quite quietly, in case Trotter should hear and chase her off the bed.

There is only one small problem.

Sometimes she becomes a bit giddy with her combing and suddenly all a bit excitable. It is at times like this she can suddenly loose control of her claws and suddenly lash you round the back of the head and have you scalp open. So it is a bit of a double edged sword I'm afraid.

To be honest I wouldn't recommend you try it at home.

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