What is wrong with the world?
Last week stupid Steve Irwin finally managed to irritate an animal so much it killed him. Some may say, clapping their hands in malicious glee, 'Serves you right you absolute tosser!', but not so the Australian nation.
In unparralled irony that completely escapes them, they have been hunting down harmless stingrays in 'revenge attacks' and mutilating their rather peculiar rubbery bodies.
Steve Irwin, irritating wanker that he was, would have been absolutely horrified.
Although he was most well known for poking crocodiles with large sticks, he was actually a passionate conservationist and would be devastated, yay, would turn in his grave, if he knew what was being done in his name.
On the flip side of the coin, fans that have not been hacking innocent animals to death have been queing for more than 25 hours for tickets to his funeral.
Only in Australia, there, the world is upside down.