There is great excitement in the house as a collection of hair pieces have arrived in the post despite only one being ordered.
Fing is sitting in the kitchen window wearing a long flicky blond wig.
Tutz has attached a large red spiky hair piece on her head and is bouncing around in the bedroom like bambi on acid.
Lulu is wearing a large afro wig and is doing keep fit in the sitting room.
Giggsey girl the stupid Slug face found a beard at the bottom of the bag and has donned a brown overcoat and is pretending to be a spy in the back garden.
Fat Boy Faggot is lounging in the bathroom with a large blonde beehive wig on, buffing his nails.
And Trotter? Trotter has an assortemnt of wigs on, from every time period and every style. He is a smorgasborg of hairy delights and whiskery madness. He is pottering around the hallway like a multi faceted cousin IT and when Fing joins him, the circle is complete.