Yesterday it rained. Rained and Rained, like it was never going to stop. The water poured into drains, and when it had filled up the drains it started to rise, filling up peoples houses and causing havoc everywhere. In some places people wondered if they should attempt to find 2 of each animal and force them onto rubber inflatables, some clambered onto their rooftops and waited to be rescued. Thankfully we had no flooding at Preacher's Lane yesterday, but the rain caused problems for some.
Fing missed 3 appointments yesterday because he cannot bear to get his paws wet.
He missed an appointment at the opticians. Although he has purrfect 20/20 vision, he does like to keep the 3 yearly appointments, if only to amaze the optician with his optical skills.
Not only the opticians but an appointment with the doctor where he had intended to discuss his shaky leg and the problems it was causing with his samba dancing. Why, only the other day the shaky leg had caused a singularly embarrassing moment when pressed up against the Welsh Ladies Champion in a set routine. The Welsh team, on tour in a series of exhibitions to display their swarthy dark looks, freestyle Samba Style and history lessons in Mining had insisted that Fing be removed from the arena, amongst shouts of 'PERVERT!' and 'YOU AUGHT TO BE ASHAMED!!' from the crowd.
Fing stares stonily out of the window from his perch on top of the TV and remembers the day with horror. The shaky leg must be addressed!
And finally, FINALLY, the most important appointment of them all. His 3rd recall for the auditions of Lord of The Rings, the musical, where he had been shortlisted for the role of Aragorn, son Arathorn. But no. No. Due to the biblical flood-like nature of the rain he is trapped in the house and his musical dreams shattered. He wipes a teary eye with a shaky paw and sniffs quietly in a dignified manner.
It is at that point that he turns round and finds the rest of the pets sat around the coffee table with Trotter wearing a blue and white stripy pinny, serving tea and cake!
All thoughts of missed appointments dissapear like mist on a sunny day and he asks Trotter for a coffee and helps himself to a vienniese whirl.
Sometimes rainy days are just the best of all he decides.