There is an air of great excitement in the house as the Pets prepare for Halloween.
Tutz and Giggsey Girl, the stupid slug face are carving pumpkins. Tutz's pumpkin is elaborately carved into a series of witches on broomsticks, Giggsey's is a traditional leering gap toothed smiling face.
Truly Scrumptious Lulu, the chubbiest dog in the west, is baking cookies in the shape of bats.
Fat Boy Faggot is preparing bags of sweets for the trick or treaters, and long chains of popcorn on string to hang around the house.
Trotter is putting up his own stylishly designed 'Trotwear' decorations, which look like they have been created by a mad axeman and are all a bit unsettling, avant garde, and a bit harsh upon the eye. Trotter hopes that all the small children will be suitably impressed by them, but the other pets can't help but think that they are so discordant they may bring on a brain hemorrage.
Fing would like to wish everyone a very Happy Samhain, and wishes you all the best for the New Year.
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