Friday, October 20, 2006

Mothers gone to

And while i'm ranting, what the bloody hell is going on in Iceland?

Apparently its Ok to hunt critically endangered animals- lets look at the dictionary definition of that shall we?

An endangered animal is one that 'is present in such small numbers that it is at risk of extinction'

Therefore a 'Critically endangered animal' is an animal that faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future.

WAY TO GO ICELAND! Lets kill off an entire species so your stupid, lousy fishermen, who are themselves entirely responsible for the depletion of the fish stocks in their fishing grounds, have a job to do. But guess what? When all the whales are dead, i'll bet you'll find that there are no fish left anyway.

Biodiversity means that no animal overbreeds and puts its eco system in danger.

Man is the only animal that does so.

Please take the time to send a message to the Icelandic Government on the Greenpeace website:

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