I am very disappointed to announce that yesterday was World Animal Day and I couldn't let you know.
Unfortunately when I turned on my laptop last night it had a complete benny and I had to switch it off in a temper.
So apologies for the animals who didn't have a mention yesterday.
To the orphaned bear cubs in Canada especially.
Unfortunately when I turned on my laptop last night it had a complete benny and I had to switch it off in a temper.
So apologies for the animals who didn't have a mention yesterday.
To the orphaned bear cubs in Canada especially.
Orphaned because of our Queens desire to have guards in bear skin hats.
Not any old bear skin mind you, but the bear skin of lactating mothers, as of course, when mothers are lactating they don't loose any fur, so their beautiful pelts, designed to protect them and keep them warm , are extra thick and luxurious.
Not any old bear skin mind you, but the bear skin of lactating mothers, as of course, when mothers are lactating they don't loose any fur, so their beautiful pelts, designed to protect them and keep them warm , are extra thick and luxurious.
So thanks Queenie! Thanks to YOU hunters are going out and blasting mother bears to death and leaving their tiny cubs to starve to death, because after all, there isn't a market for cub skin mittens.
If you would like to help the orphaned bear cubs please donate money to:
Of course if all you can afford is a postage stamp how about write to the Queen and tell her to move her fucking arse into the 21st century and consider the use of fake fur in the hats of her guardsmen? Come on, If Pamela Anderson can do it then so can you!
Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
If you would like to help the orphaned bear cubs please donate money to:
Of course if all you can afford is a postage stamp how about write to the Queen and tell her to move her fucking arse into the 21st century and consider the use of fake fur in the hats of her guardsmen? Come on, If Pamela Anderson can do it then so can you!
Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

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