Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Needed urgently, home for large ginger and white stripy cat.

His name is Fluffy and he currently lives in an old peoples home where he sits on the laps of the elderly and allows himself to be petted by the knarly old arthritic fingers of the oldsters.

Unfortunately for both Fluffy and the Oldsters, new legislation states that old peoples homes are not allowed to keep pets, so all the Old's will loose a beloved friend and poor old Fluffy, unless offered a loving home, will be sent to the knackers yard this Friday and will be put to sleep.

You obviously understand that we cannot possible introduce another animal into our humble abode, Trotters and his autistic tendencies would never understand, and to be fair, last time I rescued a cat it had to live in my bedroom for 3 months and that was before we had Trotter and the cat flap in my bedroom door. It would be a disaster, so!

If you know where a neutered, very personable ginger and white stripy tom could live out the rest of his years, please let me know.

(I know he probably smells of old people and piss but that's nothing a once over with fairy liquid won't cure)

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