Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Weds after the Drag Before

Salutations from the land of Drag!

Please accept my sincere apologies for not posting a post but unfortunately my legs have been in league with Lucifer and this has prevented me from reporting on the weekend.

The Dragsters gathered from all over the home counties.

Prior abandoned Eartha Kit and came as a maiden aunt.

Lorna showed everyone her magic tricks and gave several people nervous breakdowns.

Damon came in his Kate Moss drug bag dress and along with Stuart, the Bride of Frankenstein, won first prize in the Drag Queen competition.

In an unexpected result, Martha won best Drag King and spent the rest of the night pulling strange and unusual faces at cameramen.

It was, all in all, more fun than you could shake a stick at.

Captain Jack was very excited by Dean's sailor outfit, Lucas by day, Duncan by night was confused in a Tutu.

Tutz was very dissapointed that her Chairman Mioaw was not recognised for it's genious and so shat in a potted plant.

Fing found company in his fetish gear with Andi, and Giggsey Girl, the stupid slug face was not the only commando.

Trotter came as a small, derranged, black, shabby dog. But bearing in mind his brain damage no one said anything and just loved him anyway.


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