Wednesday, November 22, 2006

28 days before

Fing is taking the other pets Christmas Shopping today. The other pets are very very excited.

Trotter is stood expectantly by the front door in his favourite woolly scarf and hat, wagging his tail. Tutz and Giggsey are in the shopping trolley, Faggot has a cashmere scarf and a Prada bag over one shoulder and Lulu is bringing up the rear in a lovely tartan jacket.

Fing has everyone's pocket money firmly in his grasp and they set off towards Primark singing the Pogues 'Fairytale', can you hear them?

'You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot' sing the cats in purrrfect harmony

'Happy Christmas you arse, I pray god it's your last!!!!' sing the dogs.

Oh, how we love Christmas

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