Monday, November 13, 2006

Do Androids dream of Electric Cats?

Tutz lies asleep on top of the NTL box, warm and cozy, dreaming psychedelic dreams of pandemonium and chaos.

Inside her tiny mind she floats in big multicoloured bubbles over unusual landscapes made of giant scratchy poles and lollipops.

She sees giant bumblebees and dragon flies, blamange in the shape of pink rabbits, she sees drums and briefly, Snoop Dog Dog floats by on a magic carpet.

Suddenly she is tap dancing in ruby slippers, then belly dancing next to a blue elephant wearing a sequined dress, then she is wind surfing in the lake district.

She wakes up slowly and stretches, opens her eyes and finds Trotter standing looking at her.

Some things are just as insane awake as when you are dreaming.

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