Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quiet night out

As you are aware we live on a very noisy estate full of unexpected and unusual sounds, if it isn't the pets singing carols, or Andre making his penthouse kennel for Hercules, Uncle Ernie on his motorized wheelchair or Varne and I coming home drunk, then it's something else.

Sometimes, in fact a lot of the times, the noise can stem from youths who tend to loiter indiscriminately and clutter up our street corners. Having no set bed time, curfew, or a desire to wake up the next morning, they can be outside well past half past 9 most evenings.

Until recently the estate has put up with the rapping, shrieking and general noisiness of the youths, but not any longer.

Oh no, Mrs Warboise has snapped!

She has taken to leaving the house in her long white nightie and dressing gown and floating towards the indiscriminate youths with menaces in her eyes.

The indiscriminate youths, who may be young but are not foolish, have taken to scarpering with apologies tumbling from their mouths.

Rock on Mrs Warboise!

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