'God rest ye Merry Gentleman' sings Trotter from the top of the stairs, 'May nothing you dismayyyyyyyyy',
'Remember Christ our saviour was born on Christmas day' Sings Giggsey Girl the stupid Slug face from on top of the TV,
'To save our souls from Satan's power' Sings Lulu from the kitchen doorway,
'When we were gone astray' sings Fat Boy Faggot from the bathroom,
'PPPRRROOOT' harmonises Tutz from the bedroom on her scratchy pole,
'OH TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY', They all sing together as Fing conducts, waving a tiny baton in the hallway, 'Comfort and Joy, OHHH TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOYYYYYY!!!'
When you're part of the world famous Preachers Lane Pet Choir you've got to practise early!

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