Not only do they persistently push at the International Whaling Commission for the ban on Whale hunting to be lifted, and after 20 years, this year they may well succeed, they also herd innocent dolphins onto beaches and cut their throats and leave them to die hideous terrifying deaths for NO REASON what so ever.
The brutal dolphin deaths are allowed as it is cultural. I beg to differ. I think they are allowed to carry on because Japan has no respect for the world or any of its creatures. This was displayed to their human victims in concentration camps in the second world war and it persists today in their whaling and slaughter of dolphins.
They are sadistic, fascists who believe they have complete impunity to the laws that govern the rest of us.
Dolphins and whales have warm blood, give birth to live young, they breathe the same air as us. They are sentient creatures who live in close family groups with complex emotional ties.
Should it be allowed that they are rounded up and slaughtered just because its traditional?
Just because something has happened in the past doesn't mean it has any place in the future.