Thursday, February 08, 2007

They said

It is midnight, and only one pet remains awake to monitor the fall of snow.

Trotter is asleep in the kitchen on top of his roughly hewn snowboard, all wrapped up in mittens and scarf so he can race out of the door first thing all prepared.

Fing and Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face are asleep, exhausted, after wrestleing the old toboggan out of the shed.

Lulu and Fat Boy Faggot lay asleep all contented having washed and cleaned the salopettes, and having brushed up the moonboots and evicting the spiders they found inside. Faggot is asleep in the bath, dreaming dreams of men made of snow, and Lulu is asleep on her favourite pile of clothes dreaming dreams of a world dusted with icing sugar and candy canes.

Alone, staring into the dark night through a hole in the curtains ripped especially for this purpose, sits Tutz. She is making her happy sound as she stares into the cold night through the grubby double glazing, head cocked to one sides as she waits, as if for an epiphany.

They said the snow would come by now.

'proot' she whispers, all alone in the shadows,'proooot' as she watches and waits for the first snowflake to fall.

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