Welcome to the Year of the Boar, well, it started yesterday officially but everyone was up to different things and didn't have time to write an entry.
At the Brewery Gate Eryc was recovering from a strained groin muscle after a night of frenetic pole dancing in Swindon, occaisionally Eryc enjoys leaving the safe haven of Oxford and departs for other towns and cities where he is not well known in order to maintain his pole dancing hobby. Unfortunately there is no where in Oxford where a lone young male can suddenly and with out any warning, leap to the stage and start doing random, and some might say reckless, acrobatics around a slippery pole. So, at the pub Eryc recovered.
At the house Martha was all crouped up and wrapped in a throw and looked like a cross between Yoda and Ghandi on smack, unable to move without inducing vomiting, the world turned on around her.
Trotter had found a lovely new outfit for Filipa Hole who arrived and proceded to potter around the house in a cream linen pin stripe 2 piece and black wig while Ashley sat on the bench and read about spiritalism.
In the garden Fly and Steve built a lovely waterproof canopy so we can sit outside in the rain, if we want to obviously, its just nice to have a choice. Quite excitingly we had visiting royalty in the garden, Ginge decided he wanted to know just excatley what Steve and Fly were up to, being a chartered engineer he wanted to make sure that they were following the instructions and not scrimping on nuts and bolts.
Fing prowled around in a foul mood, looking for mischeif and scraping things off the side just for the hell of it, even though there wasn't anyone there to see him do it and be irritated by it. He took satisfaction that we would probably stumble across the scraped things at a later time and wonder what they were doing on the floor. Sometimes he likes to scrape things into drawers and then cover it up with whatever is in the drawer so sometimes it can take you months to accidentally stumble across it again. He's a wanker like that.
Tuts laid on the bed for a change and found it all a bit unsettling, but decided to persevere.
Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face found Martha as Yoda/Ghandi completely irrisistable and spent most of the day trying to clamber on top of her and share the love. Unfortunately this drove Truly Scrumptious Lulu, the chubbiest Dog in the West, quite spare, as she was lying at Martha's feet guarding her.
I spent the entire day cooking and cleaning and loading the dishwasher and doing Martha's washing and taking the dogs for a walk and general domestic stuff like that. I did pause for a moment to eat 2 cream cakes and then immediately wished I hadn't because it made me feel very sick indeed.
Stuart raced past the house in Uncle Ernies Electric Go-kart, all surprised and excited about just how fast the thing went, beeping the horn and laughing like a surprised mental patient.
So, the only person who had and sort of a normal day was Fat Boy Faggot, who slept as usual.

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