Saturday, February 10, 2007

It has been an unusual morning.

I awoke to find myself in bed with all of the throws from dowstairs in bed with me. This had clearly unsettled Fing, who was perched on top of the chest of drawers, all ruffled and more than a bit peeved that he couldnt see his pillow to jump on.

After wrestling my way out of the throw and clearing a space for him he lept down and surprised himself with how much he loves me.

We asked Martha for a cream tea for breakfast, and wierdly we got it, we shared scones, clotted cream and strawberry jam, though without any tea, and enjoyed it immensley.

While Martha was downstairs doing what ever it is that Martha does when she is downstairs alone, she noticed Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face, all feet and eyes at the back door. So she went to let her in, only to be extraordinarily surprised when a heron took off from the side of the pond.

She raced out into the garden and shook her fist at the departing bird then did a quick stock check of the pond to make sure every one was safe and sound. This, only moments after she had scared the living daylights out of the fish in the globe in the kitchen by peering at them with one enourmous eye through the curved glass.

I can only wonder what the rest of the day will bring.

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