Fing wonders if any flagstaffs have been vandalised by incensed Maoris in New Zealand today.
It would be much more fun to have a party he thinks, but then again, he's not a Maori, he's not the original indigenous race of New Zealand and he hasn't been conned out of any land.
Flag staff vandalising might be the order of the day if you were.
At which point he starts to sing 'Invasion' by MackaB
'Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man ,
They went over to other peoples land,
To conquer was their intention.
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man ,
They went over to America to conquer the red Indians.
Well I don't know about you but I tell you what I do,
When I am looking at a western,
When I'm watching the telly , I'd don't really see,
the red Indians as the real bad man.
They had a lot to give, because they did not want to live,
In a little old dirty reservation.
They did not care because they were just there,
Defending their own homeland.
Europeans come not 1 by 1 but in their tens and thousands.
with the intention of taking all the best land,
and giving the Indians the bad one.
Well you must understand that the red Indian,
Were not just savages and madman.
I am aware that they were just there,
Reacting like any human.'
Not about Maori's per se, but in a similar vien perhaps.
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