In the early hours of the morning Fing entertains himself by very slowly scraping things off the side.
He does this with the very specific intention of waking me up, normally because he has decided he needs a snack and has gone downstairs to find the bowl empty of biscuits.
So, he sits on top of the chest of drawers and scrapes.
With idle naughtiness a beaded necklace is pushed off the side. Irritated by the lack of sound the necklace has made he scrapes a notepad instead.
After each resounding thud, or crash, he turns and looks at me to see if he has woken me up, or in any way caused a reaction. As you can see illustrated in this photo.
This is Fing having scraped my purse from the side waiting to see what I would do, because my reaction can vary from screaming 'FING!' at he top of my face, ignoring him hoping he'll stop, or wearily getting up and going downstairs to make him breckfast.
Rather tragically my phone had turned off the camera because only shortly afterwards he knocked off the entire heap of videos and books you can see at the front of the picture off the side completely by accident.
The look of shocked surprise on his face was a complete picture.
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