Friday, March 30, 2007

Birthday Girl

'Happy Birthday!!!' shout the pets at Martha who until that point had been sound asleep in bed. A tousled head emerges from the duvet, Its Marth! Shes awake and its her birthday! Hurrah!

The pets have made a cup of tea, toast, a cake and kedgeree, just incase of emergency. They sit expectantly and watch the sleepy marth, who whispers 'just 5 more minutes' and promptly falls asleep again.

Trotter is ver dissapointed, he wanted Marth to wake up and open the card that he made for her, so he stands very close to the edge of the bed and barks loudly and unexpectedly into Marthas ear, this makes Martha sit bolt upright in bed like a startled Billy Idol, and unfortunately spills the tea all over Tutz, who 'ppprrooTTTTS'in an indignant manner.

Martha opens her cards, eats a small piece of toast, but wrinkles her nose at the gently steaming kedgeree in open defiance, so the cats eat it instead.

Later in the day the pets will be preparing a feast for Martha, and Varne, Mrs Warboise, Fly and Steve are coming round for a cup of tea, a slice of cake and large volumes of alcoholic beverages. And probably some duck spring rolls I would imagine.

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