Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sound of Silence

It has been terribly quiet on the estate recently.

Varne lost the key to Uncle Ernies moped, so her and Gruey havent had any drunken escapades to the garage, or any accidents in the multi storey car park.

Due to the incessant rain Andray, Dane and the boys have not been practasing their MCing underneath the basket ball hoop on the corner.

Due to the mud caused by the incessant rain Fing has been unable to practise his stunt motorcycling and has been forced to stay in doors and rub dubbing into his chaps and leather harness.

Trotters is even having a quiet night, sitting forlornly on the arm of the sofa after Martha removed the sock he was trying to hump.

All the pets are housebound for fear of getting their hair wet.

There have been no drag queens coming for fashion advice, or wild chill outs involving cross dressing and gurning. Nothing.

Even the crackheads on the next block have been keeping a low profile.

Everyone is watching the calandar waiting for summer to arrive, because as Big Mark says, 'Its just so much more practical' than winter.

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