Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Preachers Lane Pet Choir are sat in a semi circle in the lounge.

Fing is perched on top of the television with a tiny baton in his right paw.

He looks at each pet in turn, all of whom almost imperceptively nod to indicate they are ready.

He waves the baton in the air, and they start....

'Happy Birthday to You!,

Happy Birthday to You!,

Happy Birthday Dear Rob!

Happy Birthday to You!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB from all of us at Trotter and Fing!


Anonymous said...

I have been touched by such a nice gesture from Preachers Lane Pet Choir, I only wish I had been there in person to catch its full glory.

I was also moved to come home from my toils to find a birthday card had actually been signed, individually, by all at T&F.

Many thanks to you all.

Fatface said...

Moira thinks that Fings signature resembles Linear B.