Thursday, December 14, 2006


It was an evening of fraught nerves, all last night came the sound of gut wrenching vomiting as the pets nerves got the better of them. Performing at the Royal Albert Hall is not to be taken lightly, not by anyone, least of all 6 pets from Oxford.

Fing has given the troops a bit of a rallying talk and has managed to get all of the pets onto a mini bus hired specially for the occasion.

Varne and Mrs Warboise had gathered especially to wave the pets off and cheer with gusto as the mini bus pulls off.

Tutz is in the front with the driver, making odd chirruping sounds and eating lemon sherbets.

Trotter is barking out the back window in a frenetic and disturbed manner.

Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face and Fat Boy Faggot are conserving their energy by sleeping.

Lulu is eating everyone else's packed lunches, she will later blame it on an attack of nerves, knowing full well it was plain fat greed that prompted the decision.

Fing is waiving his baton and thinking about the evenings performance.

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

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