Monday, December 04, 2006


Trotter was very excited when a large box arrived, delivered by a surly delivery man with no Christmas spirit what so ever.

He was, however, very disapointed to discover that the Christmas Hamper was full of neat spirits and that his box full of Bicardi Breezer's, Reef's, and other assorted AlcoPops had not been delivered.

It was at the point that a burly Lulu pushed Trotter out of the way, 'I think you'll find thats mine' she said, took a puff on her Cuban cigar and then made off with the Jack Daniels.

'I think you'll find thats mine' said Fing, who then snuck off with the baileys.

'Actually, i think that might be mine' said Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face, hugging the Southern Comfort to her chest.

'And if i'm not mistaken, I think that one must be mine' said Fat boy Faggot, licking his lips as he opens the Malibu.

'PRROOOT!', says Tutz, 'PPRRROOOOTTT', and makes off with the Pernod, as she is, and always will be, completely insane and not to be held responsible for her own actions.

Trotter stared into the empty box and wished his AlcoPops would arrive.

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