Saturday, December 30, 2006


It is utter chaos.

The house looks like it hasnt been cleaned in a million years and tomorrow Prior, Milly and Paz are descending for New Years Eve.

Its just crazy, as you are aware the house is the size of of size 3 shoe box and the problem is, where do the pets put all their Christmas Presents when all the cupboards are so heavily over burdened already?

The tidying is not being helped as Fings mind is elsewhere, normally the natural leader of the pets, his mind is still realing from last night at the Coven when he witnessed an impossibly fat woman being fingered on the dance floor. Thankfully Colin the Doorman interviened, for fear the man may loose his arm.

As a result he cannot concentrate on the job in hand as images of cellulite ridden thighs writhing on the dancefloor still torment his poor feline mind.

He is sitting on the sofa as the rest of the pets work as one in an effort to tidy, yet on mass working against each other.

Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face will carefully move a pile of magazines into the kitchen to be thrown away, the Lulu upon finding them there, takes them back to the sitting room as they belong on the coffee table.

Add to this Trotter, to whom cleaning is a dirty word, tossing cushions about and generally running amok with an occaisional bark at the coffee table.

I am wondering if the house will ever be clean.

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