Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The morning after the night and day before

It was almost pointless tidying up, Fing and Trotter have awoken to a filthy house after the new years revelries.

Fing danced the night away at Cloud9, while Trotter and some friends played poker with an occasional game of cheat into the early hours.

Then everyone piled back t the house, tried a spot of cross dressing and then collapsed in a heap and lay fast asleep until midday.

Trotter is running a rag over the kitchen tops, Giggsey Girl the stupid slug face is polishing everything with her stupid shiny body.

Fat Boy Faggot is cleaning the bathroom in a pair of marigolds and Lulu is rearranging her nest of comfy clothes in Marthas bedroom.

Its a bit belated, but we at Trotter and Fing wish you a very Happy New Year. We hope it is full of wonderful surprises, and kisses and moonbeams and everything your heart can dream for. Failing that, lets hope it was better than last year.

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