Friday, March 14, 2008

Carpe dium

There is great excitement amongst the pets.

Tutz outfit has been completed and Fings new musical score in place. The pets have decided to perform tonight in the back garden and have spent the best part of the day sweeping up leaves and arranging seating. Small paw written invitations have been posted, down to Varnes, then to Mrs Warboise, Fly and Mr Cod.

It has been decided that only Tutz will be in costume and that the rest of the cats, with Lulu, will sing from the bench underneath the ramshackle awning. With this is mind the glowing fairly light orbs have been taken down and polished and the other fairy lights rearranged to frame the edge of their stage. The over hanging plants have been pruned and Fing has inspected his platform in the middle of the pond from where he will conduct.

Trotter will be showing people to the garden and their seats, dispensing popcorn, and then singing from the safety of the pig pen.

As i type the cats are practising their harmonys and Tutz is upstairs, hanging from the scratchy pole, flexing her new knicker wings and dreaming of her first staring role. She is a little concerned about the tiny crash helmet she must wear. She did protest it would ruin her artistic license, but Fat Boy Faggot has told her is absolutely necessary under health and safety laws, but is sure that it will not impede her performance.

All in all I think we are due quite a magical evening.

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