Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Drag School

I was sat recovering from 'Bridge to terabithia' when a phone call came from Varnes.

Do you have a long black wig we could borrow, was the enquiry.

So i went upstairs and rifled through the assortment of frocks and velvet gloves and false breasts and found the wigs, all encased in a hat box.

What sort of wig do we need, i enquired? Apparently tomorrow is 'world something day' and Chris's niece is going as Ugly Betty, was the reply.

So i tottered down the road with an assortment of wigs, and a handful of spectacles and felt in someway appeased, and yet, excited.

The world around us has accepted the dragness of Preachers Lane. Where once only young men came to pop on frocks, now schoolchildren ask to borrow accessories and high heels.

I would like to take this time to thank Fillipa Hole, Legs up Lucy and Trai la Trash for their time and complete indifference.

If you want to keep on storing your drag queen materials here you might think about paying us a storage fee!

God, you see how they are?

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