Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Its started

After several hours of consideration in the laundry basket Tutz decided that she needs to make wings, rather than rely on her own sparce unfethered limbs.

With this is mind she spoke to Fat Boy Faggot and explained her predicament. Faggot decided that if wings made of undercrackers were required that they would, at least, be clean ones. So, with screwdriver in paw and Tutz watching from the stairs, Faggy carefully undid the metal pig money bank and secured £3 in funds.

They decided against Trotter pulling them in the trolly, so Faggy popped the unpredictable Tutz into her security harness and they set off to Primarni to purchase some new clean undercrackers.

They discovered a sale was on and came back with an assortment of underwear and then sat down in the bedroom amongst their purchases and discussed the best way to make wings.

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