Monday, March 06, 2006

Ear ache

Trotter bit me in the hall way last week.

He didn't mean to bite me, he was aiming for the pizza delivery man so I guess it was quite fortunate that my leg was in the way. And it wasn't his fault, I mean if the betterware delivery man hadn't of had such a large sack the accident probably would never have occured.

So, anyway, I just thought i'd let you know that Trotter entertained himself with barking this weekend.

He spent quite some time barking at the vases in the grate. He escaped into the main body of the garden and barked at the sky. He ran up and down the stairs and round the coffee table whilst barking at giggsy girl the stupid slug face. He barked in the kitchen, he barked in the hall, he barked in the bedroom and barked at the wall. He tried to bark in the bathroom but this upset Fat Boy Faggot who bit him for his troubles and chased him out the door.

He barked on his walk then barked at his dinner, he barked at Martha and he barked at Truly, he really barked at Varne because she had forgotten to bring him any midget gems. He barked at Mrs Warboise and then he barked some more. At around 9 o'clock he decided that he had had enough of barking for one day and fell asleep on the arm of the chair.

Poor Trotter.

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