Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring is in the air

Trotter likes to stand by the open back door and sniff the air. Sometimes the smell in the air will make him mutter to himself in a grumbling fashion and sometimes it makes him bark. Sometimes he just sniffs and sniffs and sniffs as the breeze ruffles his little grey Mohican, he closes his eyes and smells all the lovely smells and stands with his compact little terrier body completely blocking the way.

The cats, needless to say, hate this, as they can't get past him and are forced to sit in an orderly queue behind him and wait for him to move. These cat jams occur quite frequently over the weekend and can end in tears as Fing does not understand or care that patience is a virtue. Fing cannot comprehend why Trotter needs to sniff the air for so long, stupid dog, so he attacks him with a nasty right paw poking him in the back.

Poor Trotter.

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